Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Lady in Dark

When they mentioned her name it was in disgust
Descriptions of ugliness was all she got
She was every little thing they desired not
flying  their darkness as their crow of dread
She was a different kind, no ladylike dresses she wore
No makeup, no sprays, she was clean of that, untouched
She meant no harm, but she was seen as thorns
As she walked the streets it got empty, but full with eyes
Even though unwanted, eyes like to follow, groans like to speak
So to say she walked alone, it would be wrong
Always she was followed, always her name was mentioned in disgust
The Lady in Dark

Storms passed by, many moons came and went
Thoughts bleeding, still their crow of dread
Until finally she lay on the dying’s bed
Welcoming, she happily joined the dead
Never alone she was
The Lady in Dark
Their crow of dread

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Dead Trying To Say Something

Wars, battles, fights and those many ways of conflict
It’s a human thing
Not because peace is hard to get
Because interest is the blood flowing in our veins
because we want more
because we are not satisfied with less
because we want to eat the bigger part
because we don’t want to be vegetarians
when vegetables have enough vitamins for our body’s survival

Viciousness is a human thing, it is in our nature
We like to fight the battles
We like to shed the blood
We like to fight the leaders’ conflict
when the soldiers we battle are people who could have raised a glass with us in different situations

Too bad we sell no tickets to free ourselves from all this society thing
Too bad we build lies to justify our barbarism
Too bad the world is not big enough for us all to live peacefully together   

I look upon a sea of graves
Of people who once lived
I see no difference between them, all equal
It’s too bad in life we are separated
Only to realize that in death
There is no right and wrong
No rich and poor
No divinity and levels
There is only dead
Plain and simple

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Memories Telling Them Tales

I like memories
All kinds of them
I like to remember and rebuild the emotions

Oh, I remember how we got drunk on the beach
Dancing around the fire,
seeing the stars through the empty bottles
to be woken up in the morning by the police

Ha, I remember when we used to play card games
Oh, how we cheated and fought
But we played and we never forgot to have the fun and the laughs

I remember how we hiked one of the highest mountains of the world
Ah, the beautiful nature, that mountain with white beard
As thick as mine, but his moma never told him to shave, that I’m sure of

I remember the many fishing days
Yes, when no storm could have stopped me
When I saw my parents come and shout at me to get out of the sea
When waves seven feet high marched on me and knocked me down
carrying me all over the hard rocks

I remember all the different houses and countries I lived in
Ooo, many different friends I had from all around the world
Many different adventures been with them as well
Yes, yes, how beautiful it is to see the world

I remember all the books that I read
Many lives I lived
Many lives I’ve written as well

I remember all the first kisses
I remember our hearts burning with flame
And I remember them being broken

Ah, so many things I remember
If I’d tell you all that we’ve been through it will never end
Every moment I die and live again, each time with a different dream
Each time adding more lives to the previous one

I like to sit on a cliff and watch the sun sink under the sea
While throwing its orange rays on the water’s surface
I smile and reminisce, and relive my life
Of course, just for a moment I do that
I mean I will not get stuck in the past
Some future is awaiting me
I stand up and rush to it
To live more lives… to do what I do best

Monday, February 6, 2012

Compass in a Northless World

I wake up
I wash my face, I look in the mirror
My reflection is what I see
It’s been a long time since I had a dream
A long time since I had a reason or a purpose in life
No cause, no need
And the thing is, I know that most probably
I will never tread on this previous land again
I mean how could I?
Oh, no, I cannot
Just sailing the endless sea, until my ship sinks
Not that I have a problem with that
Not that I see anything better
Not that it matters to me, not at all

Ships pass by, holding them sailors having specific locations
and following maps
“Captain, we’ve spotted land” brotherly sailor notifies me
I put the glass on my eye, indeed it is land, people walking on seashore
“Shall we put anchor here?”
I look at him, one of those who I’ll smile and die for…
I smile at him
It doesn’t matter, I follow no compass
It really doesn’t matter

In the mirror
I see my reflection clearly


You are my fishing gear
You are my favorite book
You are my fussil collection
You are my adventure
You are my crazy person
Can you see how much you mean to me?
Not an angel, oh no, for angels mean nothing
Not going to talk about pearls and diamonds either 
For they are worthless as well
You are a mountain which my dream is to climb
You are as beautiful as a sun sinking in the sea
Or a ship soaring towards the far far horizon
Oh, I want to show you all the messed up thoughts that I have
I want to show you this world where even the people’s wrong is perfect
No need for money or fancy cars
Let’s just lie on seashore, no need to dream
Let’s just accept everything as it is
Let’s have fun, no matter if society disapproves,
Who cares if they talk about our inappropriate behavior all day and night long
Let’s write our own tales without planning beforehand
Let’s learn when we want to learn, and fool around when we feel like it
No divine, no meanings, no authorities, no ideals, leave all this bullshit behind
Let’s follow a fish under the sea, let’s laugh at the crows fighting intelligently on food
Let’s feed the cat which is only friendly to get fat and a pat
Let’s throw some grass on one another
Or let’s just sit and do nothing!

I want nothing from this life, don’t ask for a thing
Just living, just passing by
So come drink with me a glass if you want
Then get drunk and open your heart
“Don’t worry mate, cheer up, we’re all gonna die at the end”
That’s what I’m probably going to tell you
Alright, I don’t feel like writing more, so I’m leaving some words unsaid
But who cares, really, who does?!
But if you want, join me tomorrow, I’m going to drink  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Center of the World

When you trip, do you look around you?
Scared to have been seen in this awkward situation?
Or, when you go out, do you dress nicely, and if you have long hair
then work on it a bit in front of the mirror?
When you do anything, just absolutely anything,
do you always feel that eyes are always upon you?
As though everyone cares what you are going to do
As though you are always followed
Do you feel
That you are the center of the world?!!

Eyes, eyes, everywhere!
Behind you, watch out!
The other way around, more eyes!
Stop, stop, stop watching!
Stop following!
Losing myself!

The wind blows, a fresh breeze it brings
Seas reflecting sun’s beautiful warm light
Green, that green grass, nesting the colorful flowers

Do you see any of these changing their looks or behaving differently
when you pass by?

And you know what’s the funniest thing about it all?
People just don’t care about all that, they are not watching you
They are on their watch, trying to catch the people following them.
I mean after all, my life’s existence is all about following your every step
If not that, then what?

There is this thing about us humans,
We think we are better
We think we are different
We think nature was born for us
and not the other way around

Last time I checked I found no center for this world
Yet, last time I checked
I saw too many false centers of the world
I guess that’s why the world is confused…
Not knowing to which way to spin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bloody Mary

It is in a small circle that we always sit, in a way that everyone sees all in this big white room. Oh, some have their glasses, others their unique looks and some are indescribable… Ah, and here it comes, “Okay, you have ten minutes. Write one page of paper, telling us what’s on your mind right now” is what the teacher says.

Ooo, in the names of all the Bloody Maries, what should I write now? I mean I have nothing on my mind, clean empty it is, only this meaningless song...

I scan the attending; each individual is drowned in his own stories and thoughts, shaping them into words which I should probably analyze and understand, to build as much as I could in the image that they painted in their mind. It is actually funny to see how seriously everyone is taking this.
What do they expect me to write? Maybe, of ships, storms and adventures, of dragons, wars and fantasies, or is it of meanings, life and irony? I mean, I really can’t… this meaningless song in my mind has been peacefully settling there for a long time!

“Okay, people, time to hear what you got to say.” She cheerfully announces.

Ooo, Bloody Mary!

“Razi, why don’t you go first?”

Eyes on me, no escape, I was sentenced!

I read them this.