Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Night Comes to Life

“Come on, pull harder!”
The other goblins shout to me
As we hold on to our friend
One holding the other, not touching the pages
Afraid to fall back inside
Pulling him out of the book
“Pull, pull, pull!”

And when we’re all out
Ha, what wild things we do
We break, we scream
We infect everything with sticky green
We laugh our hearts out, we jump!
A mess is our talent!

And the light chases us away
With the sound of the awakening
We run and trip and fall
And jump, all of us together
Back to the pages
Back inside;
To our world

Mine Ace Youthful Aphrodite

Bring me my plate of sushi, dear
And let me love you more
No, I’d love you still without it, so much
Just a bit less

Stomach full, time to play
So come learn the rules, dear
And let us see who wins

Well, tired now, my moon is up
Go to sleep, dear
Let your dreams carry you away

Now that dreams stopped deceiving you, and are over
Let us go dance, dear
Dance to the music of our own desires

And after our legs tire
Let us drink, dear
Raise a glass to everything that can be raised a glass to
For us!

And when our heads are heavy with dizziness
Let us talk and open our hearts, dear;
Talk of our philosophies, wishes, memories and ideal dreams

Later, after no words are left to say
And our moon rises again
Let us dream once more, dear
A common dream for me and you

Next day, when the sun shines us back to reality
Let us adventure, dear
And do and go through all that we want

The laughs, the smiles, the cries, the heat of our hearts …

I Choose
You !

You are more than my lover
You are more than my friend
You are more than anything that exists and maybe exists not
You are… and will always be… my one and only


The little kid down he went
To see the marketplace
Where different flavors grew

And he saw the different kinds
And learned each object
What it meant

Friend, is he who guides you to the end
With you
sails across the sea, in good weather and bad.
Lover is one that holds you back not at all
But who helps you to your dreams
And he being one of them too.
Time is sensed until you change form
Time is not the same to all, a minute can be his two.
Addiction is there in many flavors he saw
Even the rotten sometimes, addiction is there.
Let the wise think
And the dumb talk
Or let it be the other way around, for human behavior is a weirdo.
The tired goes to sleep, no need to rush,
No need to climb cliffs if your body says no.
There were beliefs; beings, meanings, life and what not
 And there was science and philosophy
Where the light found out about the stars.

And a smile made the day
A fish swam until it was caught
He was smart,
after “smart” was defined and compared to him
And a book we read, a new adventure through we went
And an unmoving chapter makes a story boring

A bark of a cat
A bark of a dog
To see the unseen
To pay for the items

All this happened in the marketplace
Where many different flavors grew
And a little kid wrote this all
For us to read; me and you

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sad Violin’s Comfort

What is it with bad mood
That everyone is so much addicted to it
It is the drugs we cannot stop taking
And when a long time passes without it
We suddenly go mad, and break wildly

Love, loss, loneliness …
Let the wounds bleed,
and all that poisonous blood pour out
You only lose what you feel you lost
You only love what you can hate
You feel lonely when you are not whole with yourself

The moment when you enjoy the pain
The moment of unwanted discoveries
The moment of undesired thinking
When thorns grow in a flowery field
you’ve been working in for long
And it just keeps you back
Wasting your time and ruining the flowers
Or, when you forget a rotten tomato for a long time
Without throwing it away, or taking care of it
And the smell becomes unbearable

Let the poets tell of their depression with words
The singers with songs
And the others in what other way they relate to

And let meanings speak
and feelings play us like stringed puppets

Let the body become immune to it all
And used to this darkness, accepting it
Trying to change its form

and the violin plays a sad song …  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Song of Death

Come bitches, I offer my body as bate
My own blood
Waiting for them in this endless night
Light turned on, waiting for a shadow to appear
And when it comes, I shall help it to its death
I’m sick of its bites, leaving its marks for all to see its triumphs
Awakening the phantoms within
The rage of a peaceful creature
Eyes of the sleepless
Heavy as heavy can ever be
So come, bitches, I offer my own tasty blood!
Come, so I can help you to your eternal sleep
And sing you the song of death  

(Damned mosquitoes) 

My Sweet Sweet Luna

Rise for me Luna
My light of imagination
I don’t know why
I don’t know when
But you became the bringer of fantasy, the bringer of memories
Tell me what creatures you know of
so I’ll make ideas shaped in their metaphoric image
It is true I believe not in them,
but their image is useful

High on fantasy, drunk out of reality
Too realistic in reality
Aware of the difference, and aware of my game
I ware not signs of my religions, or
supernatural beings belonging to my beliefs
for I have none other than those already in existence

Rise for me Luna
And let the howls rise
And the screams alight
And forms change
And the monsters become wild
Rise for me Luna
Light of my precious imagination
Give me a kiss of creativity
And carry me away on your ship of fantasies
I tell you this my dear sweet sweet Luna
If you were a story
You would have been a good story

Magical Ink

What kind of ink does your love use?
What is this ink that can’t get erased?
What kind of trickery, what kind of madness?!
Pages remain full of words stained with this special ink
Scratches hide the written words
But they remain
I just have to remember not to open on previous pages
Where words are lost with ink
Where the stains of unclear ink is all that can be seen
No meaning behind it, just the pains of it all

Laughter, friends, adventures
and all the things that are loved to be enjoyed
They know how to burn some pages
But ink stained the pages
Forgotten ink
And all these good things
Try to burn the stained pages
And the flames are the hope reflected in my eyes
They warm you in cold nights

Friday, April 13, 2012

Promising Dream

The fire in your eyes
those that light my heart
The red promise of your lips
the same promised by my dreams
The touch, the brush, the smell
All those words that want to speak and be set free
Love is maybe forgotten
not believed to be true anymore
but we can bring it back
we can bring it back
We can unite under the same heartbeat
to dream under the dancing stars
to swim in a lonely sea
to let everyday be first day in love
every kiss, first kiss
And hand in hand walk the wonders of the world
Breathing the different scents
Laughing the same laughs, smiling the same smiles
Facing the same dangers, the same pains
But every day will end, with us gazing in the other’s eyes
Uttering those three words that are the only thing that matters

The orange rays, reflected from the blue sea
The trees’ green fading away
The night takes over, and so do our dreams
From your eyes, I cannot take mine off
I smile, brush your chin gently
Then... burn of the lips
And the forest listens with joy
Only one heartbeat
“I love you”

Window Speaking

The waves of the sea dancing
to the crowd of yellow flowers along the shore
No wind rushing, a good day for fishing
The window of my home
speaks true and beautiful words
Sky as clear as my thoughts
Sun as warm as my blood
A cat holding its child in its mouth
(the one that was lost yesterday, and I returned back to its home)
Dogs barking, declaring themselves, the masters of their territory
(not to mention my grandmother's rooster shouting, overcoming all other barks)
What a view my home's window has to offer
What a beautiful day outside
But I have to stay inside, homework to do
But like always, I come to ask myself, really, do I?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dark Sun

Walking through the tunnels of her beauty
I can hate her, but love her more
Her image is horror, the thing I fear the most
Where she steps roses grow, and thorns cut through
She is the sun that knows how to turn my world dark
Words she speaks are the poison my body cannot fight
This death creeper in my mind, is soothing …

The violin plays for me and her, I don’t know who plays
I can’t see who dances near, I see only shades
They can be real, or maybe they are not,
But it matters not at all
The violin plays unheard music
And we dance
Yes, we do, I look her in the eyes
But I see through them
I reach my hand to touch her, but mist fades
I stand alone in this graveyard
Where all that was, is now buried under the soil
Hiding, acting dead, waiting to haunt me down
We humans fear the things that should not exist

They follow me, and I run, sweating !
Night is in control ...
A fading torch in my hand, is all that guides me
But the night is cold, and they being not human, don’t tire
I run and sweat, they will never leave me
It is only time until they catch me …
Until they take me too, where things are buried
And I will join them
And I will rest then, and be free …

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bala Esem

Sho bet5abes 7ake
Play with me a game with no rules
And let the saint be bad and the demon be good
Or let them be who they are, w t5abesesh 7ake
Let the radical people rule the world, and change it
And the rest live the world they shaped
Afkar afkar afkar, wa7ad benjan, 7ata ljonon yseer l7a2e2a
Drunkenness and dreaming are my strongest enemies even though I desire them
They are the only weapons that can break through the shields and walls of my mind
Blacksmith, fire, yes, chains, make the material stronger!
Sanity has left me long time ago, or it left the world and remained with thee
When flowery rivers flow, uttering the lovers name, reflecting thy beauty
Sot lnay, naseem lba7ar, all the things that calm the wild waves
Or is it the rage, and shouts, or is it both
Hat efham lnas
Sometimes people just cannot differ between subjective and objective
And start uttering worthless words decorated with shit
(this idea is also subjective)
And let us speak of divinity and plans, aha, adaseyet l7aya
Really?! I mean look around you, watch the world and learn, again, really?!
Nas 3al2ane bel made mesh 3arfe tetla3 meno
The way I see it, a long unmoving chapter makes a stupid book
(Subjective again, judge me not), ra7 ajareb ade ba2dar a7kom 3alek ha2al eshe
Madamo kol eshe ente mara2to howe ele 3emlak esh ente,
w2ay eshe tane kan be3melak bane2adam tane
Life is full of options, sometime you have a choice;
Choosing between living or dying while living (depression)
Remember the armory, the strength of the mental

And a howl made my day
They call me in the night, you see
I follow them in my dreams
But the thing about dreams if they come true
They would be dreams no more
Ro7 efham

And the thorns grow sometimes in the flowery fields
And I lose myself, and I hate this season
But are the thorns not part of the field as well?
I try to cut them, but I can’t, because it is not truly so
You see you can hide things, but not kill them
Nothing actually dies, things just change form
Oltelak roo7 efham,
bas yalla mesh mohem hat nerfa3 kas la kol eshe momken yenrafa3lo kas

The shadows grant me peace
And sometimes it is the light
And there’s a lot in between
But darkness knows how to rule me
And shadows of reality, Oo, leshya2 ele bte3mele eyaha
Sometimes it is easier to merge within the stream
Than go against it
Hay lama bedkash shwayet mo3’amara lazeze wbetkon ta3ban
Mesh 3’alat , mesh 3’alat, 7asab esh bedak

Well, the objective world is built of one truth
Alongside the human subjective world which is build of many lies put together
So let the world live its lie, and let me live mine
Let time name me, and let the wind carry me
And my legs aid me in getting carried faster or slower
Fa hat efham, ana bala esem ya 3ame
Daye3 be hada l3alam lmota3’ayer, mesh 3aref sho bede
And… ar, a Change of Heart … 

Hide and Seek

Flowery ashes decorating her dress
The unwanted satisfying pain
I want to run, but I cannot stop watching
Heart took control
The shouts are not enough, any other beauty is dead
Her flowery dress of thorns is feeding my vision
And  the shadows are  comforting comparing to her touch
If I had the strength I would have told it all
I would have told her
How her beauty had outcast all others’
How her smile made the room spin with joy
How I only saw her in an empty world
How her touch made me shiver with excitement 
How her voice was building a meaning which took over my life

A dream kills me, again and again
You can’t forget, you can only try to hide it
Overcome with satisfying unwanted feelings
This water is dust in my mouth
A promise that will not come true
What can I do, how can you run
from something that exists only in your mind
I am the only one who can help myself
I am the only one who understands me
Please, just help me find a good hiding place
A  good hiding place, I cannot seek again …

Friday, April 6, 2012

Young Night

Don’t go to sleep this night, sweet one
There are feelings that want to speak
Shores of flowery sea
carrying my words of true and honest meanings.
When I want to think of all the idol things
Only one face appears,
only two eyes that match yours perfectly.
So don’t go to sleep, sweet one
The night is still young
Let it bring us together, under the same heartbeat
Let it compose a masterpiece
Making the crowd’s skin shiver with excitement.
Stay awake, sweet one
The night is still young
But if you are truly sleepy
You can lay your head on my chest
For it is already preserved
 only for you

The Table In Front of Me

I try to be as realistic as much I can
Yet, then find escape in imagination
I sit down, my readings in front of me
A paper with my writings and some drawing
A bottle of wine which I took from work
The red liquid slips, burning, down my throat
Clearing my mind, calming the waves
And a song I listen to
Swallowing me deeper in the mood that I already drowned in
Fragments of thoughts jump from a fortress to another
I open my mouth and place the traditional food in my mouth;
Food my grandmother made, back home
Memories, wishes and analysis, cannot leave, their freedom exceeds the limits
I am realistic, and I know that I sit in front of the table
And the rest of my imagination is just fantasy
Red burning flame slips inside
I write and draw
Time moves … I take another sip

Sun Goes to Sleep

The sun goes to sleep
And my dreams start to breathe
Voices in my head, become heard by mine ears
Shades of them figures of fantasy become solid shapes
And songs erupt, real songs surrounded by the shadows
And carried with the crew to wishes… to far lands
And the darkness speaks words of truth, words I want to hear

And I sleep soundly
My dreams take the shape of the voices
I heard before I went to bed, in the shadows
They promise, they are words I want to hear
They give me life
My mind tries not to wake

Enemy? Friend?

And so the wars went on,
lands, money, thoughts, lies ...

And so it came to be
that the two nations, following commands, fought fiercely ...

And so it came to be that the clouds
didn't hide the light of the sun this time ...

and a soldier stood above
a dying enemy
their eyes met for the first time
and the living soldier saw in the other's dying eyes
someone who could have been his friend
the dying one smiled in acknowledgement
as his last heartbeats faded away, with the light in his eyes ...

And so, the clouds did not hide the light of the sun this time ...
And the living soldier dropped his weapon
He did not expect to lose
a friend